
Lets start with some of the basics. What is the simplest form of machine learning ? If you consider machine learning as utilizing previous data to predict future outcomes then taking average is one of the simplest ways. For example, if you predict the todays temprature from the historical temprature data of same day you will get a reasonable estimate. Don't underestimate this the theories of law of large numbers and central limit is very powerful especially if you don't have additional variables to explain the data. However, often we have explonotary variables. In machine learning nomeclature we call them features. In this setting, each feature lies in euclidean vector space and a function maps these features to target variable. Now the task is finding that function. Of course, you can just construct lookup table for input output pairs from previous data. If you don't have much variation from cases in runtime vs previous data this will do the job. But the real problem of machine learing is generalization. Consider, the continous values in features will have infinitysmall probabilities to match. For categorical variables these likelihood decreases exponentially. After those trivial solutions we have simplest models as linear models. What does those linear models do ? They simply take weighted average of input features to match output value. There could be various functions at the end of weighted average to satisfy some desired properties. For example logistic regression uses sigmoid at the end to warp the output between 0 and 1 which is good for describing binary class probabilities. Lets go more formal with this model in the next posting.


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